Yale Brokerage Corp.

To help us supply you with the most accurate quote possible, please answer as many questions as you can with the most accurate information available to you.

Information submitted will be held confidential and will be used for quote purposes only. Submission of application information in no way obligates you to purchase any product or insurance, nor does it represent any agreement to provide coverage under any insurance policy.

First Name:
Last Name:
E-mail address:
Daytime Phone Number: 
Evening Phone Number:
Fax Number:
How would you prefer to be contacted regarding your quote? Phone   Fax   Mail   E-mail
If you would prefer to be contacted by phone,
 please let us know the best time to call.
Zip code:
Social Security number:
Date of birth:

Are you a citizen of the United States? Yes No
Have you lived outside the United States 
during the last 3 years?
Yes No
Do you plan to leave the United States for travel or
residence during the next 3 years?
Yes No
Please list the foreign countries that you are
planning to visit / reside:
Do you currently work in a hazardous occupation? Yes No
Do you participate in any risky outdoor activities? Yes No
Do you fly as a pilot, co-pilot
or crewmember of an aircraft?
Yes No
Are you an active member of the
military or military reserve?
Yes No
Have you received three or more moving violations or had your driver's license suspended/revoked in the past 5 years? Yes No
Have you been found guilty of reckless driving
or driving under the influence (DUI/DWI)?
Yes No
When was the last time that you used any type of
tobacco product or nicotine substitute?
Is there any family history of cardiovascular disease
before the age of 60?
Yes No

Have you had any health symptoms or been treated for any of the conditions listed below?
( If Yes, please check those below which apply)

Yes No
AIDS & AIDS related Epilepsy Liver disease Psychiatric disorders
Alcoholism Fatigue disorders Lupus Rheumatoid arthritis

Heart Disease/ Bypass Surgery

Lymphoma Seizure disorders
Asthma High blood pressure Manic depression Spinal disc disorders
Breast cancer HIV Melanoma Stroke
Chronic bronchitis Infertility Multiple sclerosis Substance abuse
COPD Joint replacement Muscular dystrophy TIA
Diabetes Kidney stones Other demyelinating disorders Ulcerative colitis
Emphysema Leukemia Peripheral vascular disease Uterine disorders
Do you have cancer? Yes No
If yes, specify cancer details here:

Coverage amount?
Desired term period?
Quote requested within: 24 hrs 48 hrs 72 hrs 120 hrs
Do you want an umbrella quote? Yes No

Copyright 2001 © The Mines Press
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